Hartney - Training Training
May 6th 2012 10:00am
Organizer: Thomas Graupner (Organizer)
Map: Hartney
Meet Information: (Updated April 29th)
This will be an informal training event held in the same area as the event on Saturday, May 5th.
There will be no timed courses and participants can do whatever they want. Suggested activities include:
Revisiting controls sites from yesterday
Planning your own course and then running it
Practicing new orienteering techniques
Getting lost and then figuring out where you are (relocation)
Partner activities such as following someone while keeping track of where you are
Maps will be available and the controls from yesterday will remain set up.
If you plan to come, please contact Thomas Graupner (thomasg@cottonwood.ca or 204-347-5764) by Tuesday, May 1st. Please indicate your level of orienteering experience and what you want to do at this event.
Note: All participants must now be MOA members. Memberships cost $5.00 for Adults and $3.00 for Juniors. Membership forms and waivers can be printed from www.orienteering.mb.ca/membership.html and filled out beforehand. Meet fees for this event are $10.00 for Adults, $8.00 for Juniors, and $20.00 for Families.