Hartney - Middle Wilderness
September 15th 2012 2:00pm
Organizer: jim lee (Organizer)
Map: Hartney
Important Note: This event may be cancelled if not enough people register for it. If you want to attend this event, please register on or before Tuesday, September 11th.
Meet Information:
Courses will be classic length (between Middle and Long). Winning times will help everyone's TPK. The meet site will be Juniper Hill, site of the 2009 WCOC Sprint.
- 1:00 PM: Meet at Hartney Card Lock (located just off Hwy 21 near the entrance to town)
- 1:30 PM: Travel to site
- 2:00 PM: First start
All orienteers need to pre-register with Jim (jblee@mymts.net or 204-858-2358) by Tuesday, Sept. 11th.
Note: All participants must now be MOA members. Memberships cost $5.00 for Adults and $3.00 for Juniors. Membership forms and waivers can be printed from www.orienteering.mb.ca/membership.html and filled out beforehand. Meet fees for this event are $10.00 for Adults, $8.00 for Juniors, and $20.00 for Families.