Organizer: Ursula Goeres (Event Director)

Map: Seton Park North

Directions: The map is located on the north side of the Trans Canada Highway, 69 km west of Portage la Prairie (9.5 km west of the town of Sidney or 10.5 km east of the junction of # 1 and # 5 Hwy). Parking for the event will be at the Seton Wayside Park. An Orienteering sign will be on the highway for people coming from the East. If coming from the West, due to the divided highway, you will need to drive past Seton Wayside Park to the next signed road and then turn back. The courses will start close to the parking area; follow the signs and flagging tape.

To register, use this website or contact Ursula Goeres ( or 204-488-3999). Please register online by Tuesday, Sept 3. (See the list of courses to the right.) If registering after Tuesday, please contact the organizer directly to make sure there are enough maps.

Note: All participants must now be MOA members. Memberships cost $5.00 for Adults and $3.00 for Juniors. Membership forms and waivers can be printed from and filled out beforehand. Meet fees for this event are $10.00 for Adults, $8.00 for Juniors, and $20.00 for Families.


Course Maps

No course maps posted yet.


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