
Course Maps

No course maps posted yet.

Organizer: Sebastien Kerherve (Event Director)

The 1st Manitoba Rogaine will take place on Saturday, July 10th. The start is at the Hog’s Back parking lot in Spruce Woods Provincial Park (See map below).

Rogaining is the sport of long-distance cross-country navigation. The only tools at your disposal will be maps and a compass (and your feet). A SI stick (for timing) will be lent to each team, and beginner compasses will be available if needed.

You can register to this event using this website. Additionally, the team leader has to send an email to:

rogaine at to confirm the registration, list the team members and give the name of the team.

Each participant needs to fill a MOA membership form (online), but the cost of the membership is included in the event registration price. A declaration of health has to be filled and sent to the organizer before the event or on paper the day of the event.

For the forms, see:

The registration deadline is June 30th. There is a limit of 20 participants (all events combined).

There will be three categories for this event (see on the right of the page): 6-hour, 3-hour and 1-hour courses. The 6-hour long rogaine will be starting at 9 am. The 3-hour course will be starting at 10 am, and participants in the 1-hour course can start at any time between 10 am and 1 pm.

The goal will be to find as much controls as you can within your time limit, the total number of controls is 30. You should expect to run or walk at least 30 km to get all of them. Each control will earn you 10, 20 or 30 points. Point penalty will be applied for over-time participants. The penalty will increase rapidly with time. Team members have to stay together from start to finish.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to send an email to: rogaine at

General rules:

  • Be at the start location 15 min in advance.
  • Each participant must carry at least 2 liters of water, and food/snacks as needed. There will be no refreshments on the courses.
  • It is strongly advised to wear long pants to protect your legs from the grass and bugs, as well as a hat and sunscreen.
  • Each team member must have a whistle and there should be one compass per team (that can be borrowed at the start if needed). Each team member will get a set of maps at the start.

Additional rules for each category:

6-hour course (25$/person):

  • Start at 9 am
  • Team of 2 or 3
  • The current health restrictions for orienteering require us to limit the usage of share items, in particular water bottles. In order to have water refueling during the event, we ask you to bring your own water bottles in bags that will be dropped at two specific locations at the beginning of the event. It is strongly advised that each team brings two bags with water bottles that you can use to resupply with water during the event. (The locations will be marked on the map and these bags will be dropped by the organisers during the first hour of the event). Depending on the temperature, it might be a good idea to start with at least 2 liters and planned for 2 times 2 liters per person for the water drops.

3-hour course (15$/person):

  • Start at 10 am
  • Individual participation possible, or team of 2 or 3.

1-hour course (10$/person):

  • Start any time between 10 am and 1 pm.
  • Participants can go by themselves or in team of 2 or 3.

In order to get to the start location, the driving time is around 2 hours from the Winnipeg perimeter. Plan 25 minutes from PTH 2.

For new members, the membership fees are included in the event fee.

Participants will need to provide a Declaration of Health form (paper or by email) on the day of the event. (Last form of the previous page).

Payment Option



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